Articles Posted in Mississippi Courts

Bail is a term used to describe the bond or conditions of pretrial release for someone who has been charged with a crime. In Mississippi, with few exceptions, anyone charged with a crime is entitled to a reasonable bail. The purpose of setting bail is twofold: to ensure the person shows up for all court hearings, including trial, and to ensure that they will not be a danger to themselves or others if released before trial.

How Does Bail Work?

After someone is arrested, they should be taken before a judge without delay for an initial appearance. During this appearance, the judge will inform them of the charges and set a reasonable bond. The Mississippi Rules of Criminal Procedure require that judges use the least restrictive bond when possible. This means that judges should consider releasing a person on their own recognizance before resorting to more restrictive means, such as requiring a bondsman or placing the person on an ankle monitor. 

When it comes to the legal system in Mississippi, there’s a special type of court that might not be on your radar: the Chancery Courts. These courts play a unique role in handling cases that don’t quite fit the mold of regular law courts. Let’s dive into what makes these courts tick and why they matter.

What Are Chancery Courts?

Think of Chancery Courts as the “fairness courts.” They deal with situations where following strict laws might not lead to a fair outcome. These courts have been around for a long time, with roots tracing back to England. When Mississippi became a state in 1817, it decided to have Chancery Courts alongside regular law courts to make sure justice was served even in tricky cases.

Youth Court is a specialized court system in Mississippi that deals with cases involving children and teenagers. The Youth Court system is made up of judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation officers, and social workers who all work together to provide services to juveniles who have been referred to the court. In Mississippi, there are two types of Youth Court cases: delinquency cases and child protection cases.


Delinquency cases involve juveniles who have committed a delinquent act or a status offense. Delinquent acts are activities that would be considered a crime if they were committed by an adult. This could include things like theft, burglary, drug offenses, assault, and vandalism. In these cases, the juvenile is accused of breaking the law and is charged with a delinquent act. Status offenses are things that would not be considered a crime if committed by an adult. The most common status offenses are truancy (skipping school), underage drinking, and running away from home, but this also includes things like “disturbing the family peace” and breaking curfew.

Both defendants and prosecutors can call upon witnesses to testify during criminal trials – but what happens if that witness is an artificial intelligence rather than a human being? One might argue that AIs are inherently more reliable witnesses, and they are not subject to factors like bias or faulty memories. On the other hand, you might argue that AIs are fully capable of making mistakes, misinterpreting facts, and generally providing unreliable information. Whatever the case may be, prosecutors and authorities are already beginning to rely on AI for law enforcement purposes. How does this affect Mississippi residents?

The Authorities are Already Using AI to Pursue Suspects

The truth is that the use of AI in law enforcement is not a “theory” – it is already being used in states like Mississippi. There is a wide range of AI tools currently being used by law enforcement officials throughout the nation. 

Choosing Wisely: What to Look for in a Qualified Attorney

Finding the right attorney to represent your legal interests is a crucial step when faced with any legal issue. Whether you’re dealing with criminal charges, a child custody dispute, or navigating a complex legal matter, having a qualified attorney by your side can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Below are just a few key factors to consider when searching for a qualified attorney who can effectively advocate for your rights and interests.

Expertise and Experience

According to WLBT, a high school graduation party at the Mount Olive Community Center took a tragic turn when two teenagers were shot. One victim sustained gunshot wounds to the hand, arm, and leg, while the other was shot in the stomach. Although one victim has been released from the hospital, the other remains in critical condition. The immediate response from the Covington County Sheriff’s Office led to the identification of potential witnesses, who provided vital information about the suspected shooter. Based on the information provided by witnesses, Javion Carney was arrested in Collins. In addition to being charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, Carney also faced an additional hold from the Mississippi Department of Corrections for a prior case in Gulfport. The eighteen-year-old appeared in Covington County Justice Court for his initial hearing. Judge John Laz Sanford made the crucial decision to deny Carney’s bond, considering the severity of the charges brought against him, which include attempted murder, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. In denying the bond, the Court is saying Carney poses a continued threat to the public.

Bails & Their Denial in Mississippi

In Mississippi, the definition of “bail” is found under Miss. Code Ann. § 83-39-1. In this context, it means the use of money, property, or other security to release a defendant from custody and secure his appearance in criminal court proceedings. Bail bonds in Mississippi may not be excessive, and they may also be revoked or denied. The law governing denials is found in the Mississippi Constitution Art. 3, § 29. If someone is charged with committing any offense punishable by death or life imprisonment, they may be held without granting bail. If that person is arrested for a felony committed while on felony bail, the court revokes their bail, ordering the individual to be detained. It should be noted that “felony” under this bail statute means any offense punishable by death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for more than five years under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime is committed. 


When it comes to handling felony criminal prosecutions, Mississippi’s Circuit Courts play a vital role. In this blog post, we will explore the key aspects of criminal law within the state’s Circuit Courts, shedding light on their jurisdiction, appellate processes, and essential rules and procedures.

Jurisdiction and Appellate Processes:


The Mississippi court system plays a crucial role in administering Mississippi law. The system is complicated, and today we will break everything into understandable chunks. We will introduce you to the key components of the Mississippi court system, ranging from the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals to Circuit, Chancery, County, Justice, Special, Municipal, and Youth Courts. By understanding the structure and functions of each court, you can feel confident that these courts are here to serve you. Rather than having to fight it out in the streets court, the courts can become your way of leaning towards settling your difficulties.

The Supreme Court:

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