
When Can I Get an Expungement in Mississippi?

If you have been convicted of a crime in Mississippi, you might be wondering whether you can have it removed from your record. As it turns out, there is a way to do this, and it is called “expungement.” While expungement removes any mention of a past conviction from your criminal record, it is not available to just anyone. If you are interested in expungement, you need to know the exact circumstances in which the state of Mississippi allows this. So when can you get an expungement?


If you need to clean up your criminal record, the first thing you should do is get in touch with a qualified criminal defense attorney in Mississippi. During a consultation, we can assess your unique situation and determine whether expungement is possible.


Why Get an Expungement?


Getting an expungement comes with a number of benefits. Because your employer can terminate you if they find out about prior convictions, expungements provide you with better job security. Potential employers may also dismiss your applications if they find out about past criminal activity. Your criminal record can also affect your ability to receive food stamps, welfare, and student loans.


In addition, you may have trouble voting, accessing housing, adopting, and volunteering with a criminal record. Finally, your criminal record is accessible to the public. This means anyone with an internet connection can find out about your past. This could affect your ability to form friendships and pursue relationships.


Only Some People Can Get an Expungement


In most cases, you can only get an expungement for a misdemeanor. There are only a few felonies that can be expunged, including possession of a controlled substance, false pretense, larceny, malicious mischief, and shoplifting. However, individuals who committed felonies while under the age of 21 usually have more leeway when it comes to expungements, but only if the crime was not violent in nature.


Generally speaking, expungements can only be pursued by first offenders. Traffic violations may never be expunged. Public officials can never get an expungement that is related to their official duties. For example, a police officer cannot get an expungement for excessive force, and a civil servant cannot get an expungement for fraud.


What Happens After the Expungement?


After the expungement, all records of the criminal case will be removed. However, the district attorney’s office will still have a nonpublic record of the crime for law enforcement purposes.


Enlist the Help of a Qualified, Experienced Attorney Today


If you have been searching the Mississippi area for a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney, look no further than Vic Carmody Jr., P.A. We have considerable experience with criminal cases in Mississippi, and we have helped many individuals get their past convictions expunged. This can be a tremendous benefit in many different ways. If you have the opportunity to get an expungement, you should take it. Book your consultation today, and we can help you strive toward a clean criminal record right away.

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