
What is the Difference Between Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment?

If you live in Mississippi, it is important to know the difference between sexual assault and
sexual harassment. Although these two terms might seem pretty much the same, there is a
considerable difference. Of course, being charged with either offense is no small matter, and you
will need to avoid legal consequences at all costs either way. However, one of these offenses is
much worse than the other, and you could face jail time as a result.

If you would like to explore various defense strategies after being charged with a sexual crime,
you need to get in touch with a criminal defense lawyer in Mississippi as soon as possible. Our
legal professionals can guide you toward a positive resolution after assessing your unique
situation. Although the penalties for sexual crimes are severe in Mississippi, there is no sense
accepting needlessly harsh consequences without putting up a legal fight.

Sexual Harassment is a Civil Offense

Generally speaking, sexual harassment is a civil offense. This means that it is not a criminal
offense, and defendants will not face the possibility of jail time. Sexual harassment typically
takes place in the workplace, although it might also occur in schools. Sexual harassment may
also be committed by landlords who are mistreating their tenants. The consequences of sexual
harassment are purely financial in nature, and victims can sue their harassers for settlements.

Sexual Assault is a Criminal Offense

In contrast, sexual assault is a criminal offense in Mississippi. That means that the consequences
of this offense are much more severe. In Mississippi, this is known as “sexual battery.” Sexual
battery can include a wide range of sex acts. A person can “coerce” another person into engaging
in these unwanted sexual acts by a variety of means. They could simply physically force them to
engage in the sex acts, or they could threaten them with violence. People can also be coerced
through blackmail and other non-direct threats.

In Mississippi, a person is only guilty of sexual battery when penetration occurs. The state
defines penetration as:

“Cunnilingus, fellatio, buggery or pederasty, any penetration of the genital or anal openings of
another person’s body by any part of a person’s body, and insertion of any object into the genital
or anal openings of another person’s body.”

That being said, you can still face considerable consequences for simply touching for “lustful
purposes” an individual if that person is underage. You can spend up to 30 years in prison if you
are convicted of sexual battery.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you have been searching for a qualified, experienced criminal defense attorney in Mississippi,
look no further than Vic Carmody Jr., P.A. Over the years, we have assisted numerous
defendants in the Magnolia State – including those who have been accused of sexual crimes.
Whether you are facing false allegations or not, we will help you fight for your rights. Book your
consultation today.

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